Typography Book

BACKGROUND:This book contains a series of exercises and projects completed as part of a comprehensive study of the rules of typography.

DESIGN PROCESS: The projects within this book were done over the course of several months and then combined into this book. For the prototypeface and posters, I did many sketches on paper before settling on a final design. The typesetting exercises were done in InDesign and involved a lot of trial and error in manually adjusting the tracking to create aesthetically pleasing type.

DESIGN SOLUTION: When choosing a color palette for this book, I had to consider something that would work well with all the different projects featured in the book, so I opted for a pale lavender color. For the typeface, I wanted something clean, neutral and modern, so I selected Acumin Pro. The layout utilizes a lot of white space so as not to distract from the images and projects featured. I also created mockups for some of the projects to use within the book.

SOFTWARE: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop

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